The Run or Dye was my first 5k and it was so much fun! I was a little disappointed because I used my Nike running app and it only tracked 2.38 miles... which seems a little short of a 5k (3.11miles)... but it was a lot of fun and we made new friends and got new ideas =) Here's some of my favorite pictures!
Emilee and I before we got covered!!
(I need to get one of those fancy iphone holders for running! Or cordless headphones!)
And after!! You can't see it, but my tongue was clearly bright blue! Glad it was just corn starch!
Emilee, Matt, Jimmy, and Myself. We met them at the starting line, and made sure we were ahead of the them whole time. Our personal best!
Of course our towns street fair was the same day.. we got some looks, people to photos with us, we were local celebrities for a day. My nephew wasn't a fan though, he wouldn't come near me! (Smart choice kiddo!)
It was a good time. I admire those who wore bandannas through the dye zones. Or the guy in the banana suit who kept cheering us on, very encouraging and funny!
Mud Run, Tough Mudder, 10k next?! Hopefully Hawaii is a running state!
Ever done The Color Run, Run or Dye or something similar? How was your experience?
Do you have a music armband? Brand? Suggestions?
What's your favorite race to do for fun? as opposed to making it a PR