We mostly walked and talked, but it was some nice after-work-wind-down-time.
Anyone else remember sucking the honey out of these flowers? I used to do it all the time, a friends was like "oh try this" so I did. I can't wait to teach this to my niece. Fun snack!
Every where I go!
I really do live in one of the most beautiful places. I love all the pretty houses. I'm convinced that I will live in more than one of these houses in my lifetime. I'm hoping the houses in Hawaii are just as cool!
I took a photo next to this when I started kindergarten. I haven't found that photo yet, but when I do I'll show you =)
As you can see, it was a good day!
What do you love about the town you live in?
Do you go back to the place you grew up, just to remember?
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?